Posted by : Unknown miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

1.- Install the prerequisite software:

1.1.- Install MacPorts from:

1.2.- Install Xcode from apple store. Once installed, open Xcode and accept the licence agreement (In this tutorial Xcode 6.4 was used).

1.3.-  Install the "Command Line Tools". For this go to the terminal (Applications > Utilities > Terminal) and write:
 sudo xcode-select --install  

A windows is shown, you need to select "install" and wait until installation is finished.

1.4  Once Command Line Tools are installed, see the xcode instalation path with:
 sudo xcode-select -p  

In my case this command print:

1.5 Then, run the next command:

 sudo xcode-select -switch <xcode path>  

Where in my case is:

 sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/  

1.6.-  Go to the terminal and update the package index with:
 sudo port -v selfupdate  

 sudo port upgrade outdated   

2.- Install Python and basic packages:

2.1 Install  Python  with:
 sudo port install python27  

2.2 Select the version of python as:
 sudo port select --set python python27  

2.3 Install the basic packages of scientific computing (matplotlib and numpy are required for use OpenCV).
 sudo port install py27-numpy py27-matplotlib py27-scipy  

3.- Install OpenCV

3.1 Install OpenCV with support for Python with:

 sudo port install opencv +python27  

3.2 To verify that the installation is correct, write in the terminal:


The, in the python terminal and write:

 import cv2  

If no error is shown then the installation was successful.

Note: I'm sorry for my poor grammar!


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